Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Eunice and Lois

II Timothy 1:5-6

When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also. Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands.

Eunice is Timothy’s mother while Lois is his grandmother. These two women always impress me every time I read about their faith. Lois and Eunice had unfeigned faith. “Unfeigned” means sincere and genuine faith. There is no fake representation in such unfeigned faith. This faith is unshakeable and does not get upset no matter how the circumstances look like. This same unfeigned faith that was in Timothy’s grandmother and mother was in Timothy as well. Paul is speaking that he is calling to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in Timothy. Paul addresses Timothy as his dearly beloved son (I Timothy 1:2, II Timothy 1:2). That tells us that Timothy was much younger to Paul. Paul must have enjoyed the goodness of Timothy’s mother and grandmother and so was able to speak of their faith with such an honor. Paul also says that without ceasing he remembers Timothy in his prayers night and day (II Timothy 1:3). These two were united in their mission to teach no other doctrine but that which is good and godly edifying in faith (I Timothy 1:4).

Paul says “wherefore” which means therefore or for this reason! So for the unfeigned faith in Timothy, Paul is asking Timothy to stir up the gift of God which is in him by putting on of Paul’s hands. Stirring up the gift of God is to put the gift of God into action by igniting it with the Spirit of God. In this case putting on of Paul’s hands symbolizes the bestowing of a spiritual responsibility on Timothy by Paul.

I would like to urge us all to consider the unfeigned faith that existed in Eunice and Lois that was found in Timothy. See this unfeigned faith was a wonderful spiritual quality that was inherited by Timothy from his mother and grandmother. Let us also think about the generations to come through us and let us make efforts to set up good examples to our children and grandchildren. Remember: the little eyes observe, the little ears hear, the little hearts ponder, the little hands do, the little legs walk and in no matter of time they would make an impression on people around them. Let us ask the Lord to help us lead exemplary lives completely dedicated for God’s honor and glory in full reverence unto Him and with unfeigned faith!

Next: Michal – Part I

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