Dear Reader,
"TURN or BURN" is a slogan I have noticed on Benny Prasad's BenTar. With it on my mind, I have this title "Turn to Jesus". Thanks to Benny!
"Turn to JESUS or BURN in HELL", sounds too harsh and it makes you wonder if there is no way to escape hell other than through Jesus. Well, the fact of the matter is, "JESUS is THE ONLY WAY, THE TRUTH and THE LIFE" (John 14:6). Still wondering, "How dare she says that?" Let me take a few minutes to explain this in the next few paragraphs.
God created the universe and this includes all the galaxies, the planets, stars, sun, moon, sky by His spoken WORD. Finally, He created you and me in His image and in His likeness. Genesis 1:27 says, "God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.". This explains that man was created with utmost care and attention and most of all in God's Image. The image of God is not how you and I imagine physically; it is super-natural, spiritual and transcends all human understanding. God may choose to reveal this to you if you so desire and if it is His will. (NOTE: I, a mere NAUGHT, wait on the Lord continually for a revelation of Jesus Christ in new dimensions everyday. Over years, I have seen Him manifesting Himself in my life, transforming me at each encounter.) He who created you, loves you insurmountably.
When Adam and Eve sinned against God, it grieved Him and He wanted to save mankind from eternal destruction. The way He did this is by sending His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ from His own bosom, to this sinful world. Jesus Christ walked on earth, lived life like you and me, was tempted as we are, YET remained HOLY, SINLESS, PURE, SPOTLESS, SPECKLESS, IMMACULATE and PRECIOUS. After being baptized by John, He preached the Kingdom of God, performed many miracles, revealed God's heart to His disciples, apostles and many men and women. Jesus allowed God to do His will for mankind, in that He freely went to the CROSS and paid the price for man's SINS once for all as God desired that. He died and resurrected and showed that we can have victorious lives through Him. The victory we see here is the spiritual victory over devil, his wicked powers, evil forces, his deadly tactics to kill steal and destroy us. When you take up the CROSS of Jesus Christ and live His life here on earth, not only do you experience the Living Lord but also you will be a mighty witness of Him in the world just by your life.
I have chosen Christ and the narrow path at an young age of eight. But, my flesh failed me many times and I walked on the broad way void of God. But, God did not leave me; His nail scarred, pierced and bruised hands have always attracted me. The same precious and everlasting hands are extended out to YOU, and He will seal you with His love, eternal and divine that you will ever crave for it. For each fleshly struggle that you and I battle, He was bruised and marred so we through Him might be victorious. The Blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ can wipe away any stubborn sin in no time. You don't have to walk with your head held down with guilt; walk with your head held high for you hereby love and serve a GOD that is TRUE. When you believe in Jesus Christ that He died and rose again from the dead for your sake, you are a child of God, a co-heir with Christ and your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life and there is a special mansion in heaven JUST for you. You will know more and more of Him in your everyday walk with Him. Your faith and hope in Jesus will help you walk through the storms of your life.
Today, is your opportunity to receive Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior! Harden not your heart for you know not what the next moment holds for you. Your life is not permanent and when you die, you still can live forever. Only possible through Jesus.
Please pray this prayer with me now, if you have decided to love and follow Jesus:
Lord, our heavenly Father, I am a sinner and I need you into my life NOW. I seek your forgiveness for all my sins in the past. I repent and forsake them by your help right now! Adorn me by your presence and fill me with your Holy Spirit. In Jesus Name, I pray! Amen.
If you have prayed this prayer, please go to a Bible-Believing church and explain to them your desire to know about Christ and living in Christ. Also, start reading your New Testament (John's Gospel) to understand what Christ did for you. Alternately, please contact me at esthervasa(at), and I will be glad to pray with you.
In Christ, I remain with prayers!
-Esther Vasa
"TURN or BURN" is a slogan I have noticed on Benny Prasad's BenTar. With it on my mind, I have this title "Turn to Jesus". Thanks to Benny!
"Turn to JESUS or BURN in HELL", sounds too harsh and it makes you wonder if there is no way to escape hell other than through Jesus. Well, the fact of the matter is, "JESUS is THE ONLY WAY, THE TRUTH and THE LIFE" (John 14:6). Still wondering, "How dare she says that?" Let me take a few minutes to explain this in the next few paragraphs.
God created the universe and this includes all the galaxies, the planets, stars, sun, moon, sky by His spoken WORD. Finally, He created you and me in His image and in His likeness. Genesis 1:27 says, "God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.". This explains that man was created with utmost care and attention and most of all in God's Image. The image of God is not how you and I imagine physically; it is super-natural, spiritual and transcends all human understanding. God may choose to reveal this to you if you so desire and if it is His will. (NOTE: I, a mere NAUGHT, wait on the Lord continually for a revelation of Jesus Christ in new dimensions everyday. Over years, I have seen Him manifesting Himself in my life, transforming me at each encounter.) He who created you, loves you insurmountably.
When Adam and Eve sinned against God, it grieved Him and He wanted to save mankind from eternal destruction. The way He did this is by sending His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ from His own bosom, to this sinful world. Jesus Christ walked on earth, lived life like you and me, was tempted as we are, YET remained HOLY, SINLESS, PURE, SPOTLESS, SPECKLESS, IMMACULATE and PRECIOUS. After being baptized by John, He preached the Kingdom of God, performed many miracles, revealed God's heart to His disciples, apostles and many men and women. Jesus allowed God to do His will for mankind, in that He freely went to the CROSS and paid the price for man's SINS once for all as God desired that. He died and resurrected and showed that we can have victorious lives through Him. The victory we see here is the spiritual victory over devil, his wicked powers, evil forces, his deadly tactics to kill steal and destroy us. When you take up the CROSS of Jesus Christ and live His life here on earth, not only do you experience the Living Lord but also you will be a mighty witness of Him in the world just by your life.
I have chosen Christ and the narrow path at an young age of eight. But, my flesh failed me many times and I walked on the broad way void of God. But, God did not leave me; His nail scarred, pierced and bruised hands have always attracted me. The same precious and everlasting hands are extended out to YOU, and He will seal you with His love, eternal and divine that you will ever crave for it. For each fleshly struggle that you and I battle, He was bruised and marred so we through Him might be victorious. The Blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ can wipe away any stubborn sin in no time. You don't have to walk with your head held down with guilt; walk with your head held high for you hereby love and serve a GOD that is TRUE. When you believe in Jesus Christ that He died and rose again from the dead for your sake, you are a child of God, a co-heir with Christ and your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life and there is a special mansion in heaven JUST for you. You will know more and more of Him in your everyday walk with Him. Your faith and hope in Jesus will help you walk through the storms of your life.
Today, is your opportunity to receive Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior! Harden not your heart for you know not what the next moment holds for you. Your life is not permanent and when you die, you still can live forever. Only possible through Jesus.
Please pray this prayer with me now, if you have decided to love and follow Jesus:
Lord, our heavenly Father, I am a sinner and I need you into my life NOW. I seek your forgiveness for all my sins in the past. I repent and forsake them by your help right now! Adorn me by your presence and fill me with your Holy Spirit. In Jesus Name, I pray! Amen.
If you have prayed this prayer, please go to a Bible-Believing church and explain to them your desire to know about Christ and living in Christ. Also, start reading your New Testament (John's Gospel) to understand what Christ did for you. Alternately, please contact me at esthervasa(at), and I will be glad to pray with you.
In Christ, I remain with prayers!
-Esther Vasa
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