Saturday, March 26, 2011

Maturity through Suffering

"But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you." I Peter 5:10

On March 22nd 2011, Pastor John Sathri had shared the verse (I Peter 5:10) with me and my family. Later that night, my 11-year old son read this verse aloud for me and it kept resonating in me since then. Hope arose in my feeble heart and strength filled my aching nerves. There is a newfound joy in knowing that the suffering is not in vain albeit I neither know nor see the full measure of spiritual benefit that I am due to receive. At the same time this verse was shared with me, I was reading "The Hiding Place" by Corrie ten Boom. I believe with all my heart that there certainly is a purpose in all this. Nothing is a happenstance and everything is planned by God! In retrospect, I can vouch for myself that I have matured through my suffering. Here is a brief account of my suffering and how I matured through each episode.

In January 2009, just an hour after I returned from work, I felt a piercing pain in my bladder.  As I paced around my apartment, the pain only magnified. I gulped for air, hoping that the pain would diminish. Along with the pain in my bladder, I noticed that my lower back was palpitating quite obviously. With barely any medical knowledge, I could guess that I either developed a Urinary Tract Infection or was developing one. As the night grew darker, I could hardly walk and my anxious husband wanted to rush me to the Emergency Room but I resisted. We both cried out to our only help and refuge at all times, Jesus Christ. My husband bought me a number of bottles with cranberry juice. Nothing helped. As I emptied my bladder each time, I noticed it was bloody. Late in the night, I knew that it was pretty severe and that I needed some medical help. My husband hurriedly placed calls to the doctors available in our area. None responded. For once, I closed my eyes and praised God in hope that He will definitely send help in time. As I carried that pain and fixed my eyes on Christ's suffering, I rejoiced because my suffering was absolutely nothing before Christ's. Without His suffering and death on the cross, the entire world would still be writhing from sin and shame. Just then, my husband was online with a doctor who wanted to talk to me. As the doctor spoke to me, I sensed the sympathy and the kindness bestowed on me by Jesus through this doctor. I thanked the doctor as he prescribed my medicines. Truly I have witnessed the shadow of God's hand and lo, He never fails those who put their trust in Him!

For six months in a row, starting from September 2009, as my health dwindled and I experienced a touching spinal cord, multiple bulging disks in my entire spine, I wondered what God was trying to tell me. I asked God that He speak to me as I read the Holy Word day after day and as I prayed lying on my bed. Those were the times, I went on a higher plane with Jesus. I urged Christ to help me rise over my body, situation and struggle. When my body wouldn't let me stand up, I was able to walk within my living room praying for the people affected by the earthquake in Haiti. After hours of praying, I usually fell asleep with a great relief in my Spirit. This is when I learned that prayer is the state of Spirit that transcends the human body. Yes there is a super-natural power in the intercessory prayers. Never once do I want to stop interceding knowing that Christ is continually interceding for our sakes (Romans 8:34).  Lord make it so!

One sunny morning in October 2010, I woke up with what felt like pointed needles all over my head. I tried to pinpoint the exact locations where I felt the sting. I wasn't sure if I had blisters but I could find none. As I desperately struggled to figure out what was happening, I knelt down praying, "Father, if it is your will, take off this needles from my head." I continued to work through the day, as agony wedded fatigue by the fag end of the day. That evening, my wonderful husband read Psalm 103. I tugged with God on the very first verse, "Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name." After a few minutes, I eased up and asked God to show me a way to bless His holy name with all that is within me that is with all my struggle and fatigue. In no time, right where I lay on my bed, I began to lift up my voice singing praises to the Majestic Ruler of the Universe. If not through this experience, I'd not have learned or known what it means to bless His holy name with all that is within me. The next few days, I was treated for severe brain inflammation.

Praise God for His never-ending touch of grace in all our lives!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Onesiphorus – A Profit Bearer

The Lord give mercy unto the house of Onesiphorus; for he oft refreshed me, and was not ashamed of my chain: But, when he was in Rome, he sought me out very diligently, and found me. The Lord grant unto him that he may find mercy of the Lord in that day: and in how many things he ministered unto me at Ephesus, thou knowest very well. II Timothy 1:16-18

This evening, as I knelt down in the divine presence of our Savior, I was led by the Holy Spirit to read the first chapter from II Timothy, deviating from my reading plan, for therein was the needed food for my soul. I pondered over each verse and was particularly drawn towards the character of "Onesiphorus". Here I will discuss the exemplary life of Onesiphorus as written by Paul to Timothy in II Timothy 1st chapter.

Onesiphorus means profit bearer or one who brings profit. Although we only see two references in Bible as it relates to Onesiphorus (II Timothy 1:16-18 and II Timothy 4:19), his character is one that is remarkable and worthy of emulation. Take especial note of the four wonderful statements on Onesiphorus by Paul, viz: a) he oft refreshed me b) he was not ashamed of my chain c) when he was in Rome, he sought me out very diligently and found me and d) he ministered unto me at Ephesus.

It appears that Onesiphorus refreshed Paul often. He either refreshed Paul by an encouraging word or by meeting a temporal need via food, water, shelter or clothing. He definitely was a man of action. If we look into why Jesus Christ came down to earth, we see that Christ's sole purpose was to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many (Mark 10:45). Onesiphorus clearly followed Christ and His faith was accompanied by works. Is our faith bereft of works?

Onesiphorus was not ashamed of Paul's chain. Paul played a key role in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to the gentiles and was thus imprisoned many times. When Paul was in prison, Onesiphorus was not ashamed of Paul's chain for we each are called to be prisoners for Christ. II Timothy 3:12 says, "Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." Are we turning away from those that are being persecuted for Christ like Phygellus and Hermogenes (II Timothy 1:15) or are we reaching out to them with the love of Christ and ministering to them as we are enabled? It is a question I am dwelling on and urge you, the reader to consider as well.

When Paul was in Rome, during the time when most Christians were persecuted, Onesiphorus diligently sought out for Paul and found him. In other words, Onesiphorus was a risk-taker for the sake of Christ and the Christians. Even when there was a potential for him to be thrown into the prison, he did not mind it. Remember, God will not forsake those who are persecuted (II Corinthians 4:9). Onesiphorus allowed God to use him to minister to Paul who was persecuted tremendously. God is still using Onesiphorus and his exemplary life even today to uplift us in our Christian walk. Are we yielding to God and actively furthering His kingdom? Let us take a moment to weigh this in our hearts.

Onesiphorus not only ministered to Paul in Rome but also in Ephesus. In this present day and age with the scientific and technological advancement we behold, we could minister to our fellow-members in the body of Christ in so many ways. We could send an encouraging note through an e-mail or a social network or place a phone call or continually pray or chip in some funds to help proclaim the gospel.  There is a dire need that we act now for we know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh (Matthew 25:13). Let us consider prayerfully how God could use us as His instrument.

May the Lord empower and equip us to be profit bearers for His glorious kingdom!

Examining Ourselves

"Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves." -- II Corinthians 13:5

This morning as I meditated on God's Holy Word and examined myself, I was particularly drawn into His intimate divine presence to pour out my heart before Him. An intense wave of sorrow flooded me and it stayed on for two hours enlightening me of my own spiritual position. I have urged the Lord many times in the past and on this particular occasion with an intensity like never before to cleanse me, purge me, purify me and transform me wholly. After those two hours, God lifted off that sorrow and instilled His peace and joy within me. I sense the need to share the importance of self examination in the light of His Holy Word without which the cares of the world can easily draw us away from our first love - Jesus Christ. Here are some of my experiences during those moments with the Lord.

During my quiet times, I have fallen prostrate before the Lord God in humble adoration of Him and His goodness while realizing my own human, selfish and sinful state. Those were the most intent times when He exposed my faithlessness and corrected me as I honestly shed tears of true repentance. He always engulfed me with His faithfulness and mercy thus proving His constant unconditional love for me.

Even when I backslid or grew cold in my spirituality, He did not forsake me but instead demonstrated His immense grace by pulling me back to Him. During those cold times, my heart always desired a nearness to Him but I either shooed that away for some unimportant mundane task or went to bed with heaviness. In either case, as my heart's desire was to be with Him, God used a message at church or a godly friend or a family member to admonish me. These messengers of God were unaware of my state yet brought a message that pierced my heart right away. During my lonely times with God, He reminded me of those times when I failed Him yet due to His mercy He sustained me. These surely strengthened my faith and gave me a quick boost in my walk with Him.

In my quiet times, the Spirit of God constantly reminds me that my relationship with God matters more than my work for Him in the world. If we do not soak in His presence, we have no way of knowing Him better and when we are far from Him it is nearly impossible to carry out the work of God without marking it by flesh. An unstained love for Him drives us to carry out His duties only to please Him and glorify Him.

When I am alone with God on my knees, the worship is pure and powerful always. I have noticed that during wee hours when the entire world is in a deep slumber, the time spent with God has a special significance in that not only am I lit spiritually but also my demeanor is demure the whole day thus keeping my soul satisfied. On a few instances, after my time alone with God, people have mentioned that there is a certain calmness around me and I immediately have to point to God and His peace.
Self examination is so vital in a Christian walk that without self-examination we may easily toss and turn and deviate from our natural course to God. Take the time to examine yourself today!

When I fall, I shall arise

"Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me." Micah 7:8

On Feb 7th 2011, I zealously set out on a journey to Stamford (where I work) at about 7:10AM. Before stepping out of the house, my husband and I prayed together and he walked me out of the house to lend me a helping hand in boarding the bus right across the street from where we live. After crossing the street, my eyes failed to notice a thick sheet of black ice before the bus stop. The minute I stepped on it, I slipped and fell backwards. That very instant, my husband who was holding my hand, held a good grip thus avoiding the danger of hitting on my head. As I struggled to get up, I remembered the six words from Micah 7:8, "When I fall, I shall arise...". That night I looked up my Bible and read this verse aloud. The peace and assurance that flooded my heart is inexpressible!

In our walk with Jesus Christ, we may slip and fall if we don't stay focussed on Him. I Peter 5:8 says that our adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. We should be aware of the fact that the enemy is constantly trying to tempt us just so he could get us to commit a sin thus giving him a chance to feast on us. Nay! That cannot be so. If for a season we, as the children of God, lay in the enticing hands of the enemy, the Lord's hands are strong enough to pull us through. If we continuously seek the face of God, His wisdom will enable us to recognize what the enemy is about to bring against us. Though we fail to recognize the wiles of the wicked one and thus trip and fall, yet the Lord will pull us out of the miry clay for we have made Him our refuge. As the Psalmist says in Psalm 37:24, "Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the LORD upholdeth him with his hand."

The second part of Micah 7:8 says, "When I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me." Many a time, we sit in the darkness lost in a thought or caught in a snare or struck by a fear or perhaps on a crossroad. Even then, the Lord who is our shade upon our right hand (Psalm 121:5), will be a light unto us. The darkness may haunt for a wee bit but when the light of the Lord shines on us, the darkness will be found nowhere. The Word of God is a lamp unto our feet, and a light unto our path as said in Psalm 119:105. The right hand of the LORD doeth valiantly (Psalm 118:16).

If you think you are on the verge of falling or if you have already fallen for the wicked trick of the enemy, turn to the Lord God who can lift you up! The bleeding hands of the Savior are powerful enough to pull you out of the miry clay. The finished work of Jesus Christ on the CROSS of Calvary can save you from any sin even if it appears as red as crimson. He can make you as white as snow. Rest in the LORD!

Turn to JESUS!

Dear Reader,

"TURN or BURN" is a slogan I have noticed on Benny Prasad's BenTar. With it on my mind, I have this title "Turn to Jesus". Thanks to Benny!

"Turn to JESUS or BURN in HELL", sounds too harsh and it makes you wonder if there is no way to escape hell other than through Jesus. Well, the fact of the matter is, "JESUS is THE ONLY WAY, THE TRUTH and THE LIFE" (John 14:6). Still wondering, "How dare she says that?" Let me take a few minutes to explain this in the next few paragraphs.

God created the universe and this includes all the galaxies, the planets, stars, sun, moon, sky by His spoken WORD. Finally, He created you and me in His image and in His likeness. Genesis 1:27 says, "God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.". This explains that man was created with utmost care and attention and most of all in God's Image. The image of God is not how you and I imagine physically; it is super-natural, spiritual and transcends all human understanding. God may choose to reveal this to you if you so desire and if it is His will. (NOTE: I, a mere NAUGHT, wait on the Lord continually for a revelation of Jesus Christ in new dimensions everyday. Over years, I have seen Him manifesting Himself in my life, transforming me at each encounter.) He who created you, loves you insurmountably.

When Adam and Eve sinned against God, it grieved Him and He wanted to save mankind from eternal destruction. The way He did this is by sending His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ from His own bosom, to this sinful world. Jesus Christ walked on earth, lived life like you and me, was tempted as we are, YET remained HOLY, SINLESS, PURE, SPOTLESS, SPECKLESS, IMMACULATE and PRECIOUS. After being baptized by John, He preached the Kingdom of God, performed many miracles, revealed God's heart to His disciples, apostles and many men and women. Jesus allowed God to do His will for mankind, in that He freely went to the CROSS and paid the price for man's SINS once for all as God desired that. He died and resurrected and showed that we can have victorious lives through Him. The victory we see here is the spiritual victory over devil, his wicked powers, evil forces, his deadly tactics to kill steal and destroy us. When you take up the CROSS of Jesus Christ and live His life here on earth, not only do you experience the Living Lord but also you will be a mighty witness of Him in the world just by your life.
I have chosen Christ and the narrow path at an young age of eight. But, my flesh failed me many times and I walked on the broad way void of God. But, God did not leave me; His nail scarred, pierced and bruised hands have always attracted me. The same precious and everlasting hands are extended out to YOU, and He will seal you with His love, eternal and divine that you will ever crave for it. For each fleshly struggle that you and I battle, He was bruised and marred so we through Him might be victorious. The Blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ can wipe away any stubborn sin in no time. You don't have to walk with your head held down with guilt; walk with your head held high for you hereby love and serve a GOD that is TRUE. When you believe in Jesus Christ that He died and rose again from the dead for your sake, you are a child of God, a co-heir with Christ and your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life and there is a special mansion in heaven JUST for you. You will know more and more of Him in your everyday walk with Him. Your faith and hope in Jesus will help you walk through the storms of your life.

Today, is your opportunity to receive Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior! Harden not your heart for you know not what the next moment holds for you. Your life is not permanent and when you die, you still can live forever. Only possible through Jesus.

Please pray this prayer with me now, if you have decided to love and follow Jesus:
Lord, our heavenly Father, I am a sinner and I need you into my life NOW. I seek your forgiveness for all my sins in the past. I repent and forsake them by your help right now! Adorn me by your presence and fill me with your Holy Spirit. In Jesus Name, I pray! Amen.
If you have prayed this prayer, please go to a Bible-Believing church and explain to them your desire to know about Christ and living in Christ. Also, start reading your New Testament (John's Gospel) to understand what Christ did for you. Alternately, please contact me at esthervasa(at), and I will be glad to pray with you.
In Christ, I remain with prayers!
-Esther Vasa